What is LiveLox?
LiveLox is a free smartphone app for both Apple and Android, that is one of the most advanced and versatile analysis tools for orienteering on the market. It lets you record and compare your orienteering races in real time using the Livelox Recorder app on your phone, a GPS tracker, or from a sports watch. After your data is recorded and uploaded, it can be viewed on the Livelox.com website after 3pm on the day of the orienteering event.
Why use it?
1. Provides you a free and easy way to see what you did on the orienteering course and learn from your mistakes.
2. Allows you to easily compare how you did with others that did the same course by simulating the same start time, with one or all of the other competitors individually, or all simultaneously.
3. Offers a great way for trainers or coaches to see what their students did on a course and to use as a teaching tool.
4. It is extremely easy to use.
How do I Setup Livelox on my phone?
1. Download the “Livelox Recorder” app to your phone (Iphone users: from the Apple iTunes store, for Android phone users: Google Play store)
2. Install the app and give it access to your phone’s “Location Services”
3. Open the Livelox Recorder app on your phone. If you don’t already have a Livelox account, go to the menu in upper left, and choose “create user account”. You only have to provide first name, last name, email account, username and a password and then click “create user account”
4. Now on the main screen of the Livelox Recorder app, it will list:
Next to Person, select “None – tap to select” and then on the next page select “Myself”
5. On the login page, now enter the username and password that you just created, and hit “login”
6. Now back on the page, next to Person, should be your name. Now next to Event, click on “None – tap to select” and then on the next screen, select “Select class by event” and then below on the screen, select “Select event”
7. A screen should display listing events (note: you will not see the event listed if you are trying to set this up before the date & time the event is scheduled), find and select (as an example):
COK – McDowell Nature Preserve
8. Now back on the screen, click on “Select Class” and then it will list the courses that are available for that event. Select the course you are going to run. Then click OK.
9. That takes you back to the first screen with Person, Event, and Class now all populated. So as soon as you are ready to start the course, click “Start Recording” to capture your location data as you move through the course. Store your phone in your pocket, or a day-pack and GO.
Livelox: After you complete the course
1. After you check in with registration and download your finger punch data, remember to go back into the Livelox Recorder app on your phone, and click “Stop Recording”
2. Your Livelox Recorder app data is automatically uploaded to Livelox.com, so after the orienteering event completes at 3pm, you should be able to go the Livelox.com website and first find the event, for example: COK – McDowell Nature Preserve. Click to open the event, and then click your course, to find your data.
3. If you are unsure how to review your data and ways to compare it with the other competitors in Livelox, there are many short, helpful videos in YouTube that show you how to do most any LiveLox task. One good YouTube video that shows how to replay your race is titled “LiveLox 1: Replay demo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU2JqZv4lEE