Registration is conducted exclusively online. No manual paperwork or walk-ups are permitted for an event. Participants fill-out an online form for personal information (including indications of fingerstick ownership, group involvement, contact information, etc.). Payment is also processed (debit or credit card only). Data collected for an orienteering event is not shared to any third party by the COK and is secured by software outside the scope of the COK.
Online registration/payment is cut-off (no longer available) 3 days prior to an event or sooner if all maps are purchased. The COK imposes a cap on the number of maps sold as follows:
White – 20
Yellow – 35
Orange – 40
Green / Red – no limit
Once the above caps are met – map sales for that course (color) are over. Membership, scouts, and JROTC discounts are discontinued. Fees are now:
- $8.00 per map if the purchaser provides their own fingerstick
- $10.00 per map if the purchaser requires temporary use of a COK fingerstick
Electronic punching is the only time-keeping system used (no manual punches). Club-owned fingersticks used by participants (includes any group use) during the event are returned afterwards (whether a course is successfully completed or not – everyone checks in & out with event managers). A “Lost Fingerstick Fee” of $35.00 is imposed (so, keep a tight grip on them!).
Courses are typically ready for participants at 10:00AM. No participants are allowed to begin a course after 12:00PM (unless the event manager waives this on a case-by-case basis). Participants may arrive and begin their course any time between 10AM-Noon.
For registered/paid participants – please check-in with the event manager and once verified – you will receive the quantity of maps in the chosen color course. These maps will be pre-printed with controls to find, a control description sheet, and other information needed to successfully navigate. A map case (a clear plastic bag) may be available during inclement weather.
Participants may sign up to go out on a course individually or in small groups (usually four or less is ideal). Minor children must be accompanied by an adult for safety. Adult chaperones are responsible for the behavior and safety of any participant in their care.
As soon as participants are ready to navigate a course – they must personally check-out with an event manager. However, official time is recorded electronically using fingersticks. It is crucial that all participants are accounted for until they finish (successfully or not). Participants who are cleared for take-off use electronic fingersticks & e-punch modules to:
- Clear out old data on a fingerstick
- Check that the fingerstick has no data on it
- Start timing
Participants or small groups navigate their selected course in sequence (1-through however many controls are indicated). Once a control is found, please verify it’s the correct one as indicated on the map, and insert the fingerstick until an audible noise (beep) is heard. The sound may be weak; so make sure you pay close attention (otherwise your time may not be recorded). The last fingerstick insertion is at the end – FINISH. Proceed with your fingerstick to the event organizer to be checked-in. COK fingersticks are surrendered back to the club at this time.
Be sure to check in at the finish, even if you do not complete the course, so that the organizers are not searching for you. There is a 3-hour time limit to complete a course. If it appears you cannot meet this standard – you should abandon the course and proceed directly back to the event area. The results for each event will be posted on the website – usually in a few days. Times recorded are from electronic punching. Finish results that do not meet standards will have one of these indicators:
- OT – Overtime for exceeding the 3-hour time limit
- DNF – Did Not Finish (failed to find all controls on a course)
- MP – Mis-punch (finding controls out-of-sequence)