Volunteer with Carolina-OK

Volunteers Are Needed!

The Carolina Orienteering Klubb (COK) is an all-volunteer organization that enhances outdoor recreational opportunities for the greater Charlotte region. Many people benefit from events sponsored by the club. But, people to make orienteering meets possible are limited – which is why your help is very much needed and appreciated.

The time commitment and talents necessary to volunteer are varied based on what you would like to contribute. Help is needed for:

  • Meet registration
  • Time-keeping
  • Train new participants
  • Putting out and taking up controls before/after events

For anyone with orienteering experience who would like to learn how to design a course and actually set it out in the woods – veteran COK members would eagerly help you learn the process. Don’t be intimidated – we’ll ensure you are mentored and assisted in every way. New meet directors and course setters are needed to keep the club going for many, many years.

To volunteer or ask questions about volunteering with Carolina Orienteering Klubb, please fill out the form below.

Volunteer With COK

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Volunteer Positions

Registration & Time Keeper

3-4 Hours, during a meet

Process participants, receive payments, and issue maps.


1-2 Hours, before and after a meet

Requires a good understand of orienteering basics.  Show new participants how meets work, how to use the map, and very basic compass skills.

Control Pickup

1-2 Hours, after a meet

Pick up controls in the afternoon based on the meet director’s option and volunteer’s skill level.

Meet Director, Asst. Meet Director

4-5 Hours, before a meet & duration of meet

Very good orienteering knowledge necessary (but can work with others).  Plan courses, coordinate venue approval, set out controls, set up meet location, and operate meet until completion.

Questions? We are here to help.

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