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Kings Mountain State Park – Lake Crawford

April 5 - 10:00 to 12:00

Price: $10.00

learn to read a map

The general public is invited to participate in the world’s greatest outdoor sport – orienteering!

With club events – participants can learn and practice navigational skills using map & compass. No experience necessary, no age restrictions, and no special abilities are required – just have a desire to get out in nature and to challenge yourself with a sport that involves as much brain as it does brawn.

The Carolina Orienteering Club is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and is open to the general public for outdoor recreational purposes. The club does not discriminate against any protected group according to all federal and state law.

This venue is a South Carolina State Park with an entrance fee for every vehicle.  Please pay (cash) by using the envelope at the box near the entrance (retain the stub and leave it conspicuously on the dashboard – to avoid a ticket).  Alternatively – you may purchase an entrance fee online (and leave a copy on your dashboard).

The Basics

If you are new to orienteering – please take some time to browse around the COK website where you’ll find lots of valuable information and links to orienteering resources around the world.  Click here to begin.

Please note there are no medical resources at events and off-trail activity has particular risks that each participant should be aware of prior. Each participant must assess their abilities and must indemnify the club and indicate a waiver.  This is done during registration:

  • Individually (participants must be 18 and older to individually register)
  • Groups of 18+ year-old participants (an individual registers, indicates waiver for themselves, & pays for other participant’s maps. Other 18+ y.o. participants must print out & bring to the event their own waiver – click here for that form)
  • Groups of minor participants (leader registers & pays for maps and indicates waiver on behalf of the group – no need to bring individual parental permission or waiver forms)

All participants must pre-register & pre-pay online and there are no exceptions (e.g. no same day walk-ups / no cash).  There are no “extra maps” at events.  The club must strictly follow individual park rules to limit crowd size & impact.

  • Participants register individually for themselves or for others (groups).
  • You select the number of maps you want to purchase based on the color code for the course(s) you wish to navigate.
  • The number of maps available are based on park restrictions and vary from event-to-event.
  • Maps are available for sale until the capacity is reached (sold out) or until the Wednesday prior to the event’s date (sales end at 1900 hrs).
  • All sales are final and there are no refunds for no-shows.  Refunds may be allowed if the club cancels the event.


  • Please inform the event organizer if you intend to bring a group larger than five participants since you may be restricted in the number of maps you can purchase (this ensures other groups have a chance at participating & helps keep crowding low).  Maps may be shared by small groups of 5 or less individuals.
  • Maps may not be reproduced without the explicit permission of the COK.
  • Group leaders purchase maps on behalf of their participants and may choose from any course.
  • Groups using larger vehicles should look for special parking signs (when applicable) or park in spaces that do not interfere with other park visitors.
  • Group leaders are responsible for all of their participants.  At no time should any minor be left without adult supervision onsite.  The club is not responsible for unattended minors.


On event day – participants are allowed to go out on courses between 10 AM and Noon.  There are always veteran navigators willing to help newbies get situated and familiar with the basics of map & compass navigation – just ask!

Onsite, all participants must check-out and check-in for the course(s) they navigate with the organizer.  It is vital that every participant is accounted for – please do not simply abandon (or finish) a course without checking-in with the event organizer.

E-punch module & finger stick

Each course has a strict 3-hour time limit.  If you cannot finish a course in that time – please proceed to the finish area and check in with the organizer.

One helpful tool available to participants who may become “temporarily misoriented” (lost) is What 3 Words (Click here to learn about that).  The finish area has a unique set of 3-words that is printed on the map that will help you navigate home with the What 3 Words app.

All participants navigate through their course using electronic timing devices.  Each participant uses a “finger stick” which records their time at each control. The finger stick is inserted into the timing e-module attached to each control on a course. Click here for a short video about e-punch – please note some variation from the COK since the video is from Down Under.

Finger sticks are issued for each map purchased and are available when you show up at the event.  Participants with their own e-punch finger stick should indicate this during registration (you receive a $2 discount on the map fee). Please bring your finger stick with you to the event.  Anyone may purchase their own finger stick – click here for a sample vendor.

Lost finger sticks cost $36……. please keep them secure while out on a course.

Participants may want to track their (or someone else) navigation on a course electronically using LiveLox (click here for more information).  This tool is especially helpful for training and post-event analysis.

Orienteering is a “Leave No Trace” activity and all participants must respect nature by not littering, intentionally harming/altering park property, or harassing wildlife).  Every COK event is rain or shine – if the park’s open – then it’s on!

volunteers neededPlease consider volunteering to help the club stay viable for future generations.

Without your help – the club may not be able to provide quality, family-friendly, fun, challenging, and healthy outdoor activities.

The club has volunteer opportunities for all levels of participation and interests.


April 5
10:00 to 12:00


Kris DeBerry
Dan Davis


Kings Mountain State Park
1277 Park RD
Blacksburg, SC 29702 United States
+ Google Map
View Venue Website


The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
$ 10.00
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18 available
$ 10.00
18 available